Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Slacker's Journey Continues, As Do Some Smiles

Yes, it's true. I've been slacking.  But holidays and doldrums and yada yada.  Anyway, somehow, this evening, as I drove home, I worked up the motivation to get my sorry ass back out there running.  Didn't run far - just the old 1.2 mile jaunt around the neighborhood, but I ran it at a decent clip, and ran the entirety of it, save a brief stop to re-tie my shoelace.  

Felt pretty good, except that once I stopped, my lungs started hurting - badly. Felt like a ton of bricks had settled upon my chest. Ugh. I have a long way to go to be ready for April. Still, I do feel good about getting back out there.

As for the smiles, there have been several over the past few days:

  • Got my Christmas decorations down and put away, including my tree in its handy-dandy new plastic -- and hopefully mouse-proof -- crate. 
  • Got my family room rearranged -- it's really just the mirror image of what it was before, but somehow, it seems more open.
  • Have begun and made some progress in The Great Declutterfy My House Project.
  • Have been fairly productive at work -- feel like I'm not just putting out fires. 
  • Have found inspiration and churned out not one, but two, political blogs/rants.
  • Had the following exchange with Riley earlier tonight: Her - "Is it The Bachelor or The Bachelorette this time?" Me - "The Bachelor. It's Ben. And the girls are horrid." Her - "Aren't they always?"

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